Low Media Family Advice - How To Manage Screen Time

July 18 2023 11:33 AM

There are numerous reasons why you, as a parent, may want to consider raising your child in a low-media household. Although media can provide valuable educational opportunities, limiting your child’s screen time has many advantages. Studies suggest that extended periods spent in front of screens can adversely impact children's attention spans, sleep patterns, and social abilities. As such, parents and educators are increasingly seeking a balanced approach to ensure the healthy growth and development of our children amidst the ever-expanding media landscape. Read on for some helpful tips. 

Set Clear Screen Time Limits

Establishing boundaries for screen time is crucial for the well-being of children. Advice from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) suggests that parents and caregivers should limit the time their children spend in front of screens to two hours per day and have regular screen-free days. Whatever the amount of screen time you think is acceptable for your kids, it is crucial to set clear boundaries and be consistent. 

Download A Screen Time Management App

Screen management apps are helpful tools that enable you to monitor your family’s screen time. Many of the apps available also assist you in keeping your kids safe online, granting you peace of mind. Some popular options include OurPact, Qustodio Parental Control, Bark and Screen Time Limit KidCrono. These excellent apps may also help you reduce your screen time, particularly if you’re guilty of scrolling through social media, so that you can be more productive and present for your family. 

Set A Good Example

Children typically learn by observing and copying the behaviour of their parents, caregivers and peers. As a parent, you are the most influential figure in your child’s life, and even when you’re not trying to actively teach them something, they will constantly be learning from your actions. As such, setting a good example for your kids is crucial. Furthermore, in the interest of fairness, limiting your child’s screen time and failing to meet your own standards won’t go unnoticed. Being a parent is not always easy, but being fair and consistent is important. 

Screen-Free Zones

Establishing specific areas of the home as “screen-free zones” is an effective way to reduce excessive media consumption. The dinner table is a classic example - setting your dining room table as a screen-free zone will encourage your child to view family mealtimes as bonding experiences where family members can be present together and learn more about each other. Additionally, banning electronic devices in your child’s bedroom will help establish healthy sleeping patterns - it may seem like a drastic measure. Still, exposure to blue light from phone and tablet screens can suppress the body’s release of melatonin, disrupting consistent healthy sleep. 

Get Outdoors

The advantage of limiting your child’s screen time is the ability to fill that time with enjoyable, enriching activities. Heading outdoors as a family can make for tremendously rewarding experiences for all involved, especially your child. With countless learning opportunities, nature is a never-ending source of joy and inspiration for children. You don’t need to go far; for example, you could set up a bird-watching activity in your back garden with bird feeders, binoculars and a bird call whistle

Intentional Media Consumption

Whenever you do allow your child screen time, make sure the media they consume is appropriate and wholesome. While online platforms like YouTube can be fun and educational, your child may be exposed to unsuitable content. Monitor what they watch and encourage them to consume media that benefits their development. Moreover, screen time can also be family time, so consider having a family movie night one day a week or playing a multiplayer video game together. 

Educate Your Child About The Dangers Of Excessive Screen Time

Prohibiting your children from certain activities without a clear explanation as to why can cause numerous problems. Simply telling a child “no” without a valid reason may hinder their confidence and communication skills, so try and turn refusals into learning experiences. Explain the importance of limiting screen time in terms they will understand. It is also crucial to educate your child about the importance of online safety, as internet access can be profoundly dangerous, even when closely monitored.